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About Us

Our Mission

The mission of Points Northeast Historical Society is to preserve, promote and celebrate the history of Browns Point, Dash Point, and Northeast Tacoma by:

  • Collecting and exhibiting historical records and artifacts of Browns Point, Dash Point and NE Tacoma.
  • Encouraging the preservation and public access to historical sites and landmarks.
  • Educating children and adults to appreciate our local heritage.
  • Sponsoring and participating in community events.

Board Members

Board Officers

President Allison Sahin
Vice- President Vacant
Treasurer Carolyn Edmonds
Secretary Kathleen Monahan

Committee Chairs

Cottage Gardens Coordinator Wendy Lawrence
Lightkeeper's Cottage Shiela Goodfellow
Docent Coordinator Silvia McClung
Curator Linda Van Nest
Education Committee None
Grants Jim Harnish
Museum Committee Linda Van Nest
Maintenance Jim Harnish
Membership Carolyn Edmonds
Sales Pat Harnish
Publicity/Newsletter Vacant
Collections Vacant
Events  Vacant

Board of Directors


Allison Sahin

Jim Harnish

Kathleen Monihan

Wendy Lawrence

Pat Harnish

Linda Van Nest
Tom Smith
Silvia McClung
Carolyn Edmonds
Shiela Goodfellow


Dash Point School Tom Smith
Cottage Manager Ali Hart
Bookkeeper Julie Perkins
Curator Emeritus

Community Partners

Points Northeast Historical Society focuses on the three geographic areas of Browns Point, Dash Point, NE Tacoma. We identify and provide links to several categories of "community partners" including: businesses; organizations (churches, etc); public service organizations; other.

  1.  Business Membership ($100) includes special recognition with a display ad in each newsletter, links on our website, and listing in special publications such as event programs and display posters.
  2. Community Supporters ($100) with same benefits as Business Membership
  3. Public Service organizations (no charge): Browns Point Improvement Club (, Dash Point Social and Improvement Club (, NE Tacoma Neighborhood Council (, Metro Parks Tacoma (, Center at Norpoint ( , Fire Department, schools.
  4. Other (no charge) Contact us about being included here.

Points Northeast Historical Society

6716 Eastside Dr. NE #1-135

Browns Point, WA 98422
