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Our History

"Points Northeast" refers to the area of Tacoma and Pierce County, Washington that is located across Commencement Bay from downtown Tacoma. The three distinct communities within the area are; Dash Point (on the north side), Browns Point (on the western point), and Northeast Tacoma (to the south & east) which extends from Cresent Heights to near Fife--an area that stretches along the bluffs which overlook the tide flats of the Puyallup River and separating it from downtown Tacoma.


In 1986 three Dash Point community members (Mavis Stears, Patti Hurlbut and Jill Barkley) decided to start a Historical Society to represent and unite three historically connected communities of Dash Point, Browns Point and N.E. Tacoma.


Mavis Stear’s research for a college assignment led to the publication of book “Two Points of View” and provided the initial catalyst for the beginnings of an organization. One hundred Charter memberships offered at $25 each along with a generous donation from the Browns Point Improvement Club provided seed money for the Society, incorporated on August 21, 1986. A Mission Statement and bylaws were written. A logo was created. The Browns Point Lighthouse Coast Guard property was nominated to the National Historical Register.

In celebration of Washington State’s 1889 Statehood Centennial, temporary museum space was donated at the Browns Point Shopping Center to collect and display local history items. Many items were later secured for permanent collection. A 1989 Washington State Centennial Picnic was held at the Lighthouse Park well attended by the communities. A research center followed in 1991 with an agreement with the Metropolitan Park District and the U.S. Coast Guard located in the “Crew Quarters” at the Lighthouse Park. In 2000 PNEHS officially became "Partners" with Metro Parks Tacoma and allowed the Lightkeepers Cottage to be open for the public to visit and created a "Lightkeepers Tour of Duty" which allowed people to rent the cottage to experience life as a lighkeeper. Eventually a basement history museum, boathouse exhibits, and display of the original fog bell in former pumphouse were added. An agreement with Northpoint Coop Preschool made provision for a small museum and archive to be established in old Dash Point School principal's office. Volunteers have made the Points NE Historical Society a very special place in our communities.

The Lighthouse Restoration Project

Thank you to our Title Sponsors, Co-Sponsors, and Donors!

​The Lighthouse Restoration Project is made possible through the support and generous donations of our title sponsors, The Bartolatz Family, The Jenkins Family Foundation, and Specialty Metals Corporation, and to our co-sponsors, Dash Point Social and Improvement Club, Browns Point Improvement Club, the Stensrud Family, Pat and Jim Harnish, Gregg Hoffman Construction, Butcher’s Above the Bay, Josh “Big Dog” Souza, the Collins Family, Better Properties Soundview, and Tom Smith “In Memory of Pam Halsan.”

Grants were received from The Ben B. Cheney Foundation, Port of Tacoma, Pierce County Heritage League, and Tacoma Landmarks Heritage Project.

And thank you to over 200 other Lighthouse Lovers for your individual donations. You have helped Points Northeast Historical Society to “Keep The Light Shining!”


Grants, funding from Metro Parks Tacoma, and PNEHS matching funds and volunteer labor are the primary sources for restoration, maintenance, and program projects. In the recent past we have funded the following major projects:

  • 1986 First seed money, $2000, from Browns Point Improvement Club
  • 1989 Historical marker signs (BP, DP) from State Transportation Department
  • 1990 Exterior restoration of Cottage and Boat House, US Coast Guard funds
  • 1991 Renovation of Crew Quarters into Research Center, DPSIC funds
  • 1993 Building of replica Surfboat, community fundraisers
  • 2002 Park informational signs, Pierce Co visitor tax grants
  • 2006 Restored cottage windows, chimney, furnace, Wash Historical Society Grant and others $100,000
  • 2007 Restored cottage interior woodwork, Pierce Co Landmarks grant, $1700
  • 2008 Installed security system, exterior lighting, restored boathouse doors, grant from Pierce County, $6.325
  • 2008 Repainted Cottage and other buildings, Metro Parks & PNEHS volunteers
  • 2010 Restored boathouse windows install security windwo covers. Lighthouse License Plate grant, $5,000
  • 2010 Replaced cottage fence, Metro Parks material & PNEHS labor. Installed irrigation system, Dash Point Garden Club & Metro Parks funds, $2000
  • 2011 Replaced roofs on all buildings, License Plate grant, $10,000 & Metro Park funds, $50,000
  • 2012 Replaced cottage back porch, Lighthouse License Plate grant, $1750
  • 2013 Marketing Grant for website, brochures, video PC Tourism Tax grant, $6,000

Points Northeast Historical Society

6716 Eastside Dr. NE #1-135

Browns Point, WA 98422
