Restored Dash Point Fountain, 1923
The Historical Dash Point Fountain was built in 1923 at the Dash Point Dock Community Park operated by the Metropolitan Park District of Tacoma on land donated by Dash Point Community residents. It was named after David Gray Smith, a local citizen of Dash Point who designed and helped build it. Mr. Smith was a shipbuilder, a mason and active member of the Dash Point Water Association. Water was freely provided from Claude L. Austin’s spring located above Markham Ave leading down to the park. Soon after the waterfront road from Tacoma to Markham Ave and the 1917 Dock was completed, the fountain marked the incorporation of Dash Point into the Metropolitan Park District, and the origin of the Dash Point Water Association. A Dash Point Community Hall was built in 1925. The fountain housed lighting at the bottom to be lit up at night.
The fountain operated until wars in 1940’s required the electricity to be shut off. It deteriorated over the years, eventually became buried beneath a parking lot. In 2010 the granddaughter of Claude Austin and a member of the Dash Point Social and Improvement Club organized restoration of the Dash Point Fountain on the same footing, salvaging the original Sandstone Urn and seating caps on a replicated fortified rock wall. Volunteers and friends of the Dash Point Dock Community Park made this happen.